•  Contact No. : (0522 - 4114101) |
  •   Email Us: principalramadheen67@gmail.com |
  •   Time: 9:00am-2:30pm

 Principal's Desk

It gives me immense pleasure to reach out to you through our website. Life is precious and therein lies a need for careful preparation for it. For us, education does not lie in the quantification of knowledge but in the quality of knowledge that widens mental horizons and encourages freedom of thoughts among students. In this era of cut-throat competition, it is essential for educational institutions to develop their students into well-groomed successors of their heritage.
Ramadhin Singh Girls P.G. College was established to augment higher education among women in 2004 offering wide scope for students’ development.
“To follow knowledge like a sinking star,
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.”

With the help of our highly qualified and passionately motivated faculty members, we at Ramadhin Girls P.G. College have successfully created a holistic environment where learning is a collaborative and enjoyable activity.
We wish the institution to grow more as a centre of excellence!

Dr. Sunita Asthana